Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jugaad is the asli spirit of Innovation

Now that GM looks likely to be owned by the American taxpayer, and that all the fuss around the $2000 Tata Nano is dying down, I was gratified to read that the Economist has not forgotten about Jugaad - the original low-cost auto design from Asia

A year or so ago, when somebody asked me to describe the soul of India, I gave them the phrase "jugaad". Jugaad means nothing works like it should, there is no infrastructure, there is no blueprint for success. But you have a pressing NEED: to get from point A to point B. So you just make it happen, however you can.

Like this taxi...
Grand Theft Auto V

Or this tractor...

And here are some more 'jugaadu' shots from the Indian highways, courtesy of the Flickr Jugaad group

(thank you also to the Power of Ideas blog)

It's just a reminder that as long as anything costs Rs 1 in India, somebody will be ready to improvise a solution that works half as well, for a quarter of the cost.

No matter how ridiculous it looks.

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