Sunday, June 21, 2009

Please push an interphone to turn into Maiko

At SKAR, we love Japan. Japan might be a close second to India in terms of its inherent SKAR-iness. When SKAR member was innocently walking thorough Osaka, he caught a glimpse of a door and a sign that beckoned. The sign read: 

Please push an interphone to turn into Maiko!

If you pressed the button would you turn into a national park from the democratic republic of Congo? A member of the Canadian pop group Sugar Jones? Or perhaps a plain vanilla Geisha in training? 

While all three seemed like perfectly reasonable options (as far as turning into things go)
this was a button we did not want to push because...across the street from the sign, we were greeted by the stark and melodramatic image of a transvestite with bunny rabbit ears weeping while the world whizzed by silently. Hard not to see a causal connection between the button and the bunny ears!

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