Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ObAMMA Grrl: The Market for Premium Hugs

At SKAR, we believe that premium markets reveal a lot about human nature. The market for hugs however, has never gone premium until recently.

Got us thinking about the original inventor of the Free Hug movement. Referred to many as AMMA, she has given over 26 million free hugs over the course of her lifetime. 

In an article with Salon, Amma says:

"What's happening here cannot be described. It is true communion, pure love that flows, flows like a river. It is pure subjective experience. It's like somebody trying to explain about drumming. You cannot explain with words. In order to really understand, you have to play a drum or listen to it. It's a direct experience, a real meeting between hearts. It's like looking in a mirror and cleaning your face."

Wow. She continues:

"I'm trying to awaken true motherhood in people, in men and women, because that is lacking in today's world. Today there are two types of poverty. The first is a lack of basic necessities. The second is a lack of love and compassion. As far as I am concerned, the second is more important because if there is love and compassion then the first kind can be taken care of."

We're sold. With such a huge need for free hugs in India SKAR wants to start offering luxury hugs.But how could we compete with AMMA? She's got a lock on the market for true motherhood.

Well, we could follow the idea of the IPL and bring in some differentiated talent, like.... ummm... ObAMMA Grrl here.

If ObAMMA Grrl dressed up in a sari and offered you a hug, how much would you be willing to pay?

ps- She can lip-sync too. Quite well.

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